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Which Thermostat Is Best for Your Needs?

To best regulate the temperature in your home, you need a quality thermostat. Thermostats help you save money and ensure your home remains at a comfortable temperature at all times. You have different options when it comes to thermostats. The following are some things you need to know about the different types of thermostats so you can decide which may be best for you.

Manual Thermostat

A manual thermostat is the most basic model you can get for your home's HVAC system. A manual thermostat is the least expensive option. A manual thermostat is simple to install and use. To program a manual thermostat, you must manually change the setting each time you want to adjust the temperature in your home.

The drawback of manual thermostats is the fact you have to make the changes to the temperature setting yourself. If you leave your home and the outdoor temperature changes, you cannot change the indoor temperature to accommodate that change. You may come home to a house that is too hot or cold for the weather until you manually adjust the thermostat.

Programmable Thermostat

Another option to consider is a programmable thermostat. A programmable thermostat lets you decide where you want the temperature set throughout the day. Programmable thermostats are digital and have timers on them to allow the automation of your home's air temperature.

For instance, if you go on vacation and you want to leave your home's air at a lower temperature, you can program your thermostat to change its setting after you leave. You can then set the thermostat to increase just before your return so the home is comfortable when you get there. This option allows you to better control your home's temperature while you are away.

When used properly, a programmable thermostat can help you save money on your home's energy costs. You can keep your air conditioner or furnace from running unnecessarily while you are away.

The main drawback is the initial cost. Though affordable for most budgets, a programmable thermostat is more expensive than a manual thermostat. There is also a learning curve to consider.

Smart Home Thermostat

A smart home thermostat is the MVP of thermostats. Much like a programmable thermostat, a smart home thermostat allows you to control your home's temperature based on your needs. What makes smart home thermostats different is the data they collect. Over time, a smart home thermostat identifies trends in your behavior and can change temperature settings based on those trends.

Smart home thermostats connect to your home's Wi-Fi connection. You will also install an app on your smart device that allows you to adjust your home's temperature from anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection.

This capability allows you to have more flexibility to help save both money and energy in your home's heating and cooling needs.

In addition, smart home thermostats store data and information regularly. You can easily track your home's energy usage to determine how effective and efficient your home's HVAC system is. If you notice that your HVAC energy usage is trending upward, you can take steps to mitigate the increase if needed.

Like programmable thermostats, smart home thermostats are an investment. The installation process is also more complex because you also have to connect the system to your home's Wi-Fi connection. Additionally, you may encounter connectivity issues with your smart home thermostat if your Wi-Fi connection goes down.

You have a variety of options when it comes to thermostats. If you want to effectively manage your home's temperature levels and you like the idea of having access to data about your HVAC usage, a smart home thermostat is for you. If you have questions about a smart home thermostat or your other options, contact us at Service 1 Plumbing, Heating & A/C Inc.